Tweakment Finder TWEAKMENT

What is Tixel?

By Georgia Seago
26th May 2022

Tixel is a tweakment that irons out wrinkles and smoothes the skin by creating a series of controlled burns on your skin.

What does Tixel do?

Tixel is another sort of energy treatment. But unlike radiofrequency, ultrasound and plasma – which all work in pretty complicated ways, Tixel simply uses straightforward heat energy to create the same kind of controlled trauma as these other energy-based technologies. This forces the skin to kick itself into gear and start creating new collagen, elastin and growth factors – leaving you with fresher, tighter, smoother skin in the treatment area.

The main treatment head of the device is 1cm square and packed into that space are 81 titanium rods with gently pointed ends, and there’s also a smaller treatment head with 24 pins for getting into nooks and crannies. Each hot rod tip creates a channel of damage into the skin, but the fractions of skin between the rod-tips are left intact, which helps the treated skin to heal swiftly.

Who is Tixel for?

Anyone who wants overall tighter, smoother, firmer skin. Specifically though, it works well on wrinkles, fine lines, ‘crepey’ skin around the eyes, sun-damaged skin, age spots, and acne scarring. The device has three modes, and your practitioner will choose the appropriate one for your treatment.

Does Tixel hurt?

If it wasn’t for super-high strength numbing cream, Tixel would be unbearable. The device’s titanium rods are heated up to 400 degrees C, – incredibly, searingly hot – so just the lightest, quickest of touches is needed to create the necessary trauma. Once nicely numbed though, it’s perfectly comfortable – even right around the eyes and on the eyelid itself. Alice has tried it and reported that she could feel the device, but it felt comfortably hot, rather than painful. And don’t worry – your practitioner will reduce the intensity when they pass over your eyelids.

Does Tixel work?

Providing you’re a suitable candidate and choose a fab practitioner who knows what they’re doing – yes, Tixel is really effective at what it sets out to do. When Alice went back for her follow-up assessment four weeks after a single Tixel treatment, she says she was amazed at the difference in the before-and-after photos. Her crow’s feet were softer, and the skin below her eyes and above the eyelids was tauter.

How much does Tixel cost?

Tixel is a fair bit cheaper than other energy-based technologies for skin tightening, as well as many laser options for treating those concerns that require ablation (skin resurfacing). As a ballpark – prices will vary according to clinic location and practitioner experience – a single smaller area like the eye area costs around £400 upward per session, and a minimum of three is required. Open-channel treatment (the mode used to treat skin tone and texture, and the least invasive) costs around the same, with three to six sessions required. Full-face rejuvenation in ablative mode (includes the eyes), is around £800 and up, but sometimes only one treatment is required. If not, it’s two or three.

Can Tixel leave burns?

Technique is key with Tixel – each touch has to be very light and quick in order to create tiny pinpoint burns rather than leave you permanently branded, so it’s really important you go to a practitioner whose hands you’ll be safe in. Search for Tixel providers on our Practitioner Finder to find someone we trust.

And as mentioned above, the skin between the super-thin rod tips won’t be harmed, which helps the neighbouring, ‘wounded’ skin to repair itself quicker.  Be prepared for downtime though – your skin will be repairing itself over the course of about a week. Initially, there will be swelling, and your skin will feel uncomfortable and hot for the rest of the day.

Don’t be alarmed if, as your skin heals, you can see the tip’s grid marks etched into your face. The tiny pinpricks will heal to reveal gorgeously fresh, plump skin.

If you’re considering Tixel, head over to our Tixel tweakment page for more FAQs, and download our in-depth factsheet for free here.


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