Hair loss

Written by: Becki Murray

Updated by: Becki Murray

Last Updated: 2 November 2023

Hair loss and thinning are not just cosmetic concerns – they can be emotional, confidence-affecting, and extremely stressful. Plus, while hair loss has traditionally been more popularly discussed as a male concern, the condition is actually very common in women too. That means, if you are struggling with it, you are not alone.

If you have noticed your hair is less thick, bouncy, and shiny of late, read our FAQs to discover what causes hair loss and thinning; how much hair shedding is normal; and what the treatment options are – from lifestyle changes and medication to new science-based tweakments that aim to kickstart your hair regrowth journey.

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What is hair loss?

Hair loss, or alopecia as it is officially known, refers to a partial or complete loss of hair, typically from the scalp. It is a condition that often starts fairly gradually (until you suddenly notice it). However, in some circumstances, such as after certain illness or hormonal changes, it can be very sudden. Hair loss can also be categorised into different types. That includes male-pattern baldness; female-pattern baldness; the autoimmune condition alopecia areata that causes patchy balding; as well as traction alopecia and telogen effluvium (excessive shedding), which can have more to do with your lifestyle.

What causes hair loss?

Hair loss can be attributed to a variety of factors – ranging from your genetics and lifestyle choices to underlying health conditions. With the help of an expert, it can be important to get to the root (if you pardon the pun) of your own personal hair loss cause before seeking treatment. A decrease in hair quality can also be the result of a combination of factors, although the below are the most common:

1. Ageing: As we age, our hair grows more slowly and the quality of our hair also declines, meaning it becomes finer and more brittle. This contributes to an overall reduction in hair density and the appearance of thinner or balding hair.

2. Genetics: One of the primary causes of hair loss is genetic predisposition, meaning if your mum or dad has experienced it, it’s more likely you will too. Male-pattern and female-pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) – which sees progressively worse hair thinning – is a hereditary condition linked to a hormone that can shrink the hair follicle.

3. Male hormone fluctuations: Hormones and hair have a tricky relationship regardless of your gender. In men, fluctuations in a particular hormone (called DHT) can contribute to male-pattern baldness as you age.

4. Female hormone fluctuations: Hormonal changes influence women’s hair on multiple occasions. Sometimes that can be positively: during pregnancy, women may actually experience an initial improvement in hair quality due to increased levels of oestrogen prolonging the hair’s growing phase. However, after childbirth, postpartum shedding occurs as hormone levels fluctuate again, and the texture and quality of your hair is likely to decrease (usually, this is temporary). Menopause can also lead to more permanent hair thinning due to falling oestrogen levels, as can conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

5. Stress: Your hair, like your overall health, is not immune to stress. Chronic stress has been shown to decrease hair quality, and a condition called telogen effluvium, where your hair stops growing prematurely, can also be triggered by significant emotional or physical upheaval. Some people also fiddle or pull at their hair when nervous, which can accelerate breakage.

6. Medical conditions: Certain conditions can trigger hair loss as a side effect, which is why you should always check significant changes with your doctor. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that is characterised by patchy hair loss, while thyroid disorders – especially an underactive thyroid – can contribute to thinning and brittle hair, by disrupting the balance of hormones in your body. Medications, such as blood thinners, and treatments, like chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer, are well-documented for causing your hair to fall out too.

7. Diet and lifestyle: As explained in more detail in the FAQs, a diet that lacks essential nutrients, especially certain vitamins, can contribute to hair loss. Other lifestyle factors, such as smoking, can also affect the overall health of your hair.

8. Hairstyling: Excessive use of heat tools, such as hairdryers and straighteners, can cause breakage and leave your hair looking thin and dull. Traction alopecia can occur when the hair is styled into overly tight ponytails or by hair extensions that pull at and damage the hair at its roots.

What are the best tweakments for hair loss and thinning?

The good news is that the hair-loss side of the tweakments industry is booming, with a growing number of clinics getting impressive hair regrowth results for both men and women.

PRP: Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a minimally-invasive treatment that involves taking the platelets from your own blood (taken like a blood test), and injecting them into your scalp. Due to PRP being rich in growth factors, this then works to stimulate healing, promote hair growth, and improve the overall health of your hair and scalp, over multiple sessions.

Microneedling: Using a device with hundreds of tiny needles that create micro-injuries in the scalp, microneedling can help stimulate the body’s natural wound healing response, improve blood circulation, and enhance the absorption of topical hair growth serums. In turn, this can improve the health of the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth over multiple appointments.

Red LED therapy: Often used in conjunction with other tweakments, red light has been found to decrease levels of inflammation in the skin. As inflammation around the hair follicle has been linked with hair thinning, a red light treatment is increasingly being used to support hair regrowth over time.

Hair transplants: The most popular surgical option, hair transplants involve transplanting hair from one part of the scalp to areas experiencing hair loss. The procedure is permanent and can provide really natural-looking results with low maintenance, but it is costly and carries the risks of surgery.

Are there any at-home treatments available?

Hair growth serums: With hair regrowth such a popular concern, you’ll find the market packed with at-home hair growth serums and regimes to try. These typically contain active ingredients to keep your hair and scalp in optimum health, by nourishing the scalp and fortifying your hair – with many happy customers and reviews. However, as they act on the surface of the scalp, they tend to be best suited to improving overall hair condition and mild thinning, rather than significant hair loss.

Microneedling: At-home microneedling tools aim to mimic the effects of in-clinic treatments, but with slightly smaller needles so it can take longer to see (sometimes still impressive) results. Just make sure to find one that is specifically tested on the scalp, follow the use instructions carefully to avoid side effects and make sure to sterilise the microneedling tool.

The CALECIM Professional Advanced Hair System, which can be performed as an in-clinic treatment, is available as an at-home treatment too. It combines a serum rich in growth factors with a microneedling stamp tool and helps target mild to moderate hair loss and thinning at home.

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How much hair loss is normal?

Some degree of hair loss is totally normal. In fact, due to the natural hair growth cycle, whereby old hairs are shed and replaced by new ones, it’s estimated that a person with a healthy head of hair will lose on average between 50 to 100 hairs a day. Activities such as washing and brushing your hair can also result in some additional, but not necessarily concerning, hair loss. However excessive hair loss above this level could indicate an underlying issue and result in significant hair changes and balding. In some instances, it could also be an indication of something that needs further evaluation by a doctor.

Does medication for hair loss work?

Some medications, such as minoxidil, a topical over-the-counter product (often sold under the Regaine brand), has demonstrated clinically proven effectiveness in slowing down the progression of both male and female-pattern baldness. It works by prolonging the growth phase of the hair follicles while increasing blood flow to the scalp. Another option for men specifically is the prescription medication finasteride, which works by inhibiting the hormone that contributes to hair loss in those predisposed to male-pattern baldness. You can discuss these options with a pharmacist or your doctor to see if they might work for you, but it is important to note that results do vary among individuals. Your results will also depend on the underlying reasons behind your hair loss.


FAQ ABOUT Hair loss

Is female hair loss as big an issue as male hair loss?

Yes – it really can be. According to leading aesthetic doctor Dr Tapan Patel, some estimates suggest that as many as one in three younger women have some sort of hair loss issue, and after menopause that number goes up to at least two thirds.

However, while hair loss for both men and women can be very distressing, it is still something of a taboo subject for discussion among women, leading many not to seek help until it is severe. That is compounded by GPs who may not take hair loss seriously, and the fact that the reasons for and behind women’s hair loss can be so varied. That traditionally has left women suffering in silence, despite the frequency of the problem.

How does female hair loss differ from male pattern baldness?

According to Dr Patel, the main difference is how the hair is lost. With male pattern baldness, men tend to recede from the temple area, as well as at the top of the crown. Their hairline also starts receding. Then, by the time everything merges together, there’s almost a total loss of hair over the top, although some men will retain some at the sides.

With women though, hair loss or thinning can be more diffuse without a specific pattern, although you may first notice it if it happens as a widening around your parting. That means at an early stage, a widening of the parting can probably still be disguised, but as it progresses and the hair gets more and more thin, you may start to see visible scalp along your parting.

Is there a difference between hair loss and hair thinning? 

While the two terms are often used interchangeably and are definitely related, there is a slight difference between hair loss and hair thinning. Hair loss refers to the actual loss of hair strands that then do not grow back, resulting in visible bald spots and a significant reduction in overall hair volume. Hair thinning, on the other hand, implies a decrease in the individual thickness of each hair strand. This leads to a decrease in hair density and the appearance of less thick hair, even if the number of strands you have hasn’t significantly changed. As a cosmetic concern, hair loss and thinning often occur and are treated simultaneously.

Are there ways to hide the appearance of hair loss and thinning? 

If you want to conceal the appearance of mild hair thinning, a simple step is to try to change your parting (especially if hair loss has started in this area) or to experiment with a new, often shorter, hairstyle to give the illusion of fuller hair. You can also get an increasing number of hair concealers and hair fibre products on the high street, which work by temporarily ‘colouring in’ areas of sparse hair growth on your scalp. For significant hair loss, there is always the option of using a wig.

Which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss?

Several vitamin deficiencies can contribute to hair loss, including vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in the hair cycle by helping create new follicles, and biotin, a B-complex vitamin, which is essential for the production of keratin, a protein that makes up the structure of the hair. Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia, disrupting the nutrient supply to the hair follicles too, while, a vitamin A deficiency (or excess) may also contribute to hair loss. A well-balanced diet, aided by careful supplementation, can maintain the levels of these vitamins in your body, thus helping with optimum hair health.

What lifestyle changes may help with hair loss? 

If you are starting to see signs of hair thinning or hair loss, making certain lifestyle adjustments can potentially help manage the issue. Start by avoiding any harsh, stripping hair treatments, as well as tight hairstyles or extensions that can make your hair weaker. Keeping your hair, and especially your scalp, clean can also provide an optimum environment for healthy hair growth. If you can, you should also try to manage your stress levels, and stop smoking if you can.

Can hair loss be a sign of something serious?

Yes, in some cases, hair loss can be a symptom of a more serious underlying health issue that needs to be seen and addressed by your doctor. If your hair loss is severe or particularly sudden, you should speak to a medical professional as soon as possible to identify the root cause of the issue. Hormonal imbalances, scalp infections, autoimmune conditions, and nutritional deficiencies can all cause significant hair loss and thinning, and these conditions need to be identified and resolved before you seek cosmetic treatment.


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