
Written by: Becki Murray

Last Updated: 6 December 2023

What do polynucleotides do?

Polynucleotides are skin-boosting injections – a bit like injectable moisture treatments, such as Profhilo – but with some added oomph if you are looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and uneven skin tone. That’s because injecting them can boost collagen and elastin production, plus improve skin hydration.

More specifically, polynucleotides are injectable biostimulators, which means they work at a cellular level to trigger the skin to rejuvenate itself. They’re anti-inflammatory, too, and are particularly good for treating dark circles around the eyes – an area where we’ve had to rely on dermal filler in the past. Scroll down for all the FAQs about polynucleotides.


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What’s it like having polynucleotide injections?

The crux of the experience depends on your tolerance to needles – which, as with any injection-based treatment, needs to be pretty good. The injections are tiny pin-pricks so they aren’t extremely painful individually, but you do need to have a lot of them all over your face, so the discomfort can build up during the course of your appointment.  It’s also not a one-and-done tweakment. In general, you’ll need three or four sessions, two or three weeks apart, to see the full effect.


Do you get immediate results from polynucleotides?

In comparison to some other injectable skin boosters where you may need to wait several months before seeing results, improvements after polynucleotide injections are seen relatively quickly. In a matter of weeks, you can see improvements in skin tone, hydration and inflammation, as well as reductions in wrinkling and crepiness over time. Immediately after your treatment, your skin is likely to look red and be covered in pinprick injection marks, but these should calm down over the next 12 hours.


Moisturising injection 100

How do polynucleotides work?

To have their effect, polynucleotides need to be injected beneath the skin’s surface using a fine needle. Once there, instead of directly adding volume to the skin, they work as biostimulators, targeting the fibroblasts, which play a crucial role in collagen production and wound healing.

By doing so they encourage our skin to regenerate itself from the inside out, promoting the synthesis of both collagen and elastin, and improving the condition of the extracellular matrix [the layer of the skin in which the fibroblasts live]. This results in boosted hydration, reduced inflammation and improved texture, tone and firmness, meaning less visible fine lines and wrinkles over time. They aren’t finished there. Polynucleotides also scavenge up unstable molecules, called free radicals, which further helps to counteract skin ageing.


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What are the benefits of polynucleotides?

All the collagen-boosting, extra hydration, and elasticity that polynucleotides provide means you can think of them as a super-charged injectable moisture treatment. Their impressive results include reduced wrinkling and crepiness, as well as thicker, brighter, and healthier-looking skin. Polynucleotides can also be used to improve the appearance of scarring, sun damage, photoaging, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and stretch marks. Plus, they are specifically recommended for counteracting dark circles under the eyes, and to strengthen the thin delicate skin around the mouth.



Why are they so good for treatment around the eyes?

Options for concerns like hollow or sunken-looking eyes and under-eye wrinkles have pretty much been limited to HA filler, which isn’t suited to everyone and can look puffy. Polynucleotides on the other hand can treat multiple causes of under-eye concerns, working to deeply hydrate, firm and tighten the skin, improve microcirculation, and smooth lines and wrinkles.

Are polynucleotides the same as dermal fillers or injectable moisturisers?

No, while all three are injectable treatments, they work in different ways and have different properties. Specifically, polynucleotides are comprised of long chains of nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA, rather than hyaluronic acid as with many dermal fillers and injectable moisturisers. And, while dermal filler physically adds volume to the face, polynucleotides work to initiate your body’s natural rejuvenation processes. Likewise, while HA-based skinboosters are all about boosting hydration, polynucleotides are working more broadly to improve the extracellular matrix, leading to the enhanced production of collagen and elastin.

What types of polynucleotide are there:

PhilArt: Particularly good for bringing down inflammation in the skin, which can reduce the redness of rosacea for months at a time. It is the product that leading expert Professor Syed Haq prefers to work with.

Nucleofill: Showcased by Dr. Sarah Tonks at The Lovely Clinic, who favours it for use around the eyes. Recommended for patients who aren’t suitable for tear trough filler, or who might have a tendency to go puffy if treated with a hyaluronic-acid based products.

Pluryal Silk: Professor Bob Khanna has been working with different types of polynucleotides for a few years now. He uses this product, in combination with conventional fillers, all over the face for skin conditioning. It can also be placed superficially to improve dark circles.

Pluryal Densify: From the same company as Silk, this product focuses on deeper signs of ageing, and is often used to treat marionette creases and the nasolabial area.

PDRN: Polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRN) are a sub-type of polynucleotides (PN) with both healing and anti-ageing effects.

FAQ ABOUT Polynucleotides

What exactly are polynucleotides?

Polynucleotides are biopolymers composed of long chains of nucleotides – the building blocks of DNA and RNA. Most beneficially for the skin, they are biostimulators, which means when they are injected they encourage our skin to regenerate itself from the inside out.

What are polynucleotides made from?

It’s not the prettiest source, but polynucleotides are derived from salmon sperm DNA – after it has been filtered, ultra-purified, and sterilised of course. It’s used because it closely resembles human DNA.

Are polynucleotides safe?

Yes. Polynucleotides are widely regarded as safe by the trusted practitioners we have spoken to, and they are being increasingly offered in our favourite clinics. That said, as is true for any new trending tweakment, always consult a qualified practitioner before diving in.

Do polynucleotides injections work?

Yes, polynucleotides can be used to improve skin quality and appearance in a multitude of ways, via boosting collagen production, hydration and elasticity. The result is a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles, crepiness, sun damage, hyperpigmentation and scarring. They are specifically recommended for counteracting dark circles under the eyes too.

Are polynucleotides suitable for everyone?

Unfortunately, not. The tweakment should be avoided by those with circulatory disorders, ongoing dermatitis, epilepsy, diabetes, active herpes, and autoimmune disease. It’s also not suitable for anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding. Plus, those with an allergy to fish should stay clear.

At what age should I get polynucleotides injections?

That’s up to you. They can be used as a recovery treatment to counteract signs of ageing, or more preventatively for younger skin.

Can they be used alongside other tweakments?

Yes. They can be complementary to tweaks such as injectable moisturisers, including Profhilo. They can also be useful for improving skin condition ahead of energy-based treatments like laser or ultrasound.

How long do polynucleotides take to work?

Although the results are not immediate and you need multiple sessions, you’ll start to see the benefits in a matter of weeks, which is relatively quick. For comparison, most brands of injectable moisturiser don’t promise results for several months.

How long do polynucleotides last?

The improvements in skin condition and quality can usually last between six and nine months. Re-injection is then recommended to prolong results.

Are there any side effects to injectable moisturisers?

As with all procedures involving needles, there will be some immediate, yet not long-lasting, redness around the injection sites, and a risk of bruising. Other than that, there are no associated side effects. However, make sure to find a skilled practitioner because a novice could inject the product incorrectly and you won’t see the benefits.

Where can I get polynucleotides?

A growing number of aesthetic clinics now offer polynucleotide treatments. You can find many clinics that offer these treatments through the practitioner finder on this website.

How much do polynucleotides cost?

Much the same as other injectable moisturiser treatments, so between £350 and £450 per round of treatment, depending on how big an area you’re having treated, and where the clinic you’re visiting is located.

How long does a polynucleotide appointment take?

It’s not necessarily a long appointment, but the time taken depends on the number of injections you have, whether you opt for numbing cream which needs time to kick in, and the general speed of your practitioner.

Does polynucleotide treatment hurt?

It really depends on your pain threshold and the skill of your practitioner. The pin-prick injections are quick and not individually very painful, but you do need a lot of them all over your face.


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