APTOS Threads

Written by: Becki Murray

Reviewed by: Alice Hart-Davis

Last Updated: 29 November 2023

Seven-time winner of the Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress ‘Best Suspension Thread in the World’, APTOS threads are a minimally invasive and relatively fast procedure to counteract sagging, by lifting and rejuvenating your skin.

Designed to have longer-lasting effects than many other types of thread, APTOS threads aim to offer a non-surgical alternative to a facelift, using the insertion of sutures to quickly lift sagging skin on the face and body. The name is derived from two Greek words, ‘ANTI’ and ‘PTOSIS’, meaning anti-laxity, and that’s exactly what they do, working to tighten and define areas of slack skin, for example around the cheeks and jawline, while also stimulating collagen and elastin production to improve skin quality.

Price Range

From £350 - £4000


Quickly lifts sagging and rejuvenates skin, minimally invasive


Long-lasting results, non-surgical lift

Lasts for

Up to 24 months.

Treatment Time

20 - 60 minutes

Any Anaesthesia

Yes, local


Up to a week



Why We Recommend APTOS Threads

Alice Hart-Davis
Founder, The Tweakments Guide

APTOS threads are a great option for achieving longer-lasting results from your thread lift and they provide a non-surgical option for mid-to-moderate facial sagging for anyone who might otherwise be considering a facelift in the years to come.

About APTOS Threads

Why might you be interested in thread lifting?

As we age, the effects of gravity on our faces become more noticeable and the supporting tissue weakens, leading to sagging. Traditionally, this sagging would lead most people to a cosmetic surgeon for a facelift; however, thread lifts offer a less invasive procedure, using specially designed fine sutures inserted into the skin to lift and contour mild-to-moderate sagging of the face, neck, and body. Besides lifting, threads improve skin tone, texture, colour, and hydration, with further details available on our Tweakment page.


Why are Aptos Threads particularly exciting? APTOS are notorious for creating world firsts. Creators of the first type of thread used for a face or body lift, the company subsequently added hyaluronic acid to the thread composition too, helping reduce inflammation around the inserted thread, and enhancing the body’s acceptance of the foreign body. Now, with its latest generation, APTOS has increased the amount of HA within its award-winning threads, which will provide an even greater clinical benefit. 

That includes a ‘double action’ effect, meaning the threads can both lift and rejuvenate your skin, due to the combination of leading collagen stimulators including Poly L Latic Acid (PLLA) and Polycaprolactone (PCL) with this HA. The result is not only a long-lasting lift, but also significant skin rejuvenation through the stimulation of collagen and elastin production. The threads also aim to reduce recovery time, with the ability to customise the treatment to your specific needs due to the range of face and body protocols available. 

What types of Aptos Threads are there?

Bidirectional threads: These threads have opposing bidirectional barbs situated along their entire length, which help to adhere to the tissue underneath the skin. This includes the APTOS Light Lift Thread Method Blunt, which is used in conjunction with other threads for the full face, including a brow lift and jawline definition, and Light Lift Needle Method Blunt, which is used for neck lifting, and treating heavy brows.

Multidirectional threads: These have multidirectional barbs situated along the entire length, which help to adhere to the tissue underneath the skin. Examples include the APTOS Excellence Visage HA, which is used alone to treat the mid-face and jowls, or in combination with Nano Excellence HA for the full face. For the nose specifically, there is Sole, or Excellence Visage Soft, for nasal tip lifting and reshaping.

Spring threads: The thread has a smooth surface, and the shape has been modified mechanically to achieve a spring-spiral-like look. Due to the special form, spring threads enable a practitioner to elevate sagging in areas of the face specifically involved in facial expressions.

Twisted threads: A twisted pair of threads without barbs. For example, the APTOS Nano Vitis suture untwists within 10 to 15 days and thus increases in volume by 2.5-3 times by dividing into two sutures and maintaining space between them to prevent tissue ptosis. It is used for general skin rejuvenation.


How does APTOS thread lifting work?

‘Threads’ – fine sutures of biodegradable materials – are threaded along your face under the skin into the superficial fat layer using a needle. APTOS threads can also specifically use blunt-tipped needles, which are designed to reduce the discomfort of insertion, and minimise bruising. The threads are then pulled tight to hoist sagging skin back to where we want it. Once the suture is applied, the polylactic acid in the threads acts on the deeper layers of the skin and naturally stimulates new collagen production in the skin. This action, which continues over time, helps increase the volume and youthfulness of previously sagging areas.

How long do the results last?

APTOS threads can last up to 18-24 months, which is longer than many other threads.


Are APTOS threads painful?

The treatment is performed under local anaesthesia and the fat layer where the threads are inserted is clear of nerve endings, so the experience should not painful. However, if you have multiple threads inserted youn may experience some discomfort.  


Where can APTOS threads be used?

APTOS threads can be used in a wealth of areas on the face and body. For the face, they are utilised extensively, including for the cheeks and mid-face area, the contours of the face, under the chin, the jawline and jowls, eyebrows, nose, ears, and lips. For the body, they can be used on the neck, breasts, arms, abdomen, buttocks, hands, inner thighs and knees, so almost (but not quite) head-to-toe.


Who is suitable for APTOS thread lifting?

Ideal candidates for thread lifts include women and men – usually between 35 and 55 – who are looking for a small skin lift. That means they may work well for you if you have mild to moderate signs of sagging, a loss of tissue volume, and wrinkling. They are also beneficial if you have noticed sagging of your eyebrows, thinning of the lips, slight bags under your eyes or neck, and a lack of jaw prominence, plus skin dehydration. They can even be used to address facial asymmetry, and to help patients who have experienced some relapse from a facelift or neck lift.


How long does the procedure take?

It’s pretty speedy. Applying APTOS threads takes around 20 minutes and most patients are able to resume work the same day.


How quickly can you see results?

You should be able to see an immediate lifting effect, but the results also get better over time. That’s because the regenerative effect of threads gradually improves the skin over the next few months.


At what age can you get APTOS threads?

APTOS threads are suitable for a wide range of ages. If you are under 30, a thread lift could help prevent wrinkles, while if you are 30 to 40 years old, the treatment helps strengthen the frame of face against sagging. You will probably get the best results in your 40s and 50s, with immediate lifting and rejuvenation effects, and it can be customised with other procedures for over 50s to reverse signs of ageing.


How much does an APTOS thread lift cost? 

The price depends on the specific area being treated, and the number of areas identified for improvement. General skin rejuvenation of a single area, such as the forehead, starts at £350, while a full facelift including the brows, jawline, and neck is approximately £4000.


Can APTOS thread be combined with other tweakments?

For accelerated rehabilitation, microcurrent stimulation is recommended, starting on the second day after your thread lift. This procedure can help improve the structure and elasticity of your skin.


Will I have scars from an APTOS thread lift? 

Unlike a traditional facelift, which leaves visible changes and well-hidden but clear scars, an APTOS thread lift does not leave scars or alter the face’s original features.


Are there any side effects?

Like all procedures of this type, there is a possibility of side effects, however, they should be temporary – disappearing a few days after treatment. They may include pain, swelling, temporal asymmetry, transient rippling or dimple formation, transient hematoma or bruising, and slight depression or skin irregularity. If you experience any other side effects, including high fever, increasing pain, and swelling at the area of intervention, always contact your doctor.


What is the aftercare advice?

Immediately after the procedure, ice packs can be applied to minimise swelling and you should avoid applying makeup for at least 24 hours. It’s also highly recommended that you try to sleep in a face-up, elevated position for about three to five nights.

In general, gently does it. Avoid excessive face and neck movements for two weeks, try to wash your face without rubbing for at least seven days, and take a pause from face and neck massages for up to a month. You should consider any holidays or other health services you require before booking in too. That’s because over-exposure to direct sunlight needs to be avoided for two weeks, as do sports and exercise. Plus, you should not use saunas for about three weeks, and dental surgery is also off the cards for that time period.


Are there are specific medicines to take post-treatment?

Your practitioner will recommend specific aftercare, however, APTOS suggests using Traumeel or Troxevasin gel and antihistamines for swelling if required, as well as antiseptics for the areas of intervention. For pain relief, which may be needed for up to three days, use analgesics, such as ibuprofen. To avoid infection, your doctor might also recommend wide-spectrum antibiotics for five days and, if necessary (depending on the indications), you may be asked to wear an elastic bandage for about two weeks.


Are the effects of APTOS threads supported by studies?

In June 2023, the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published the first – albeit small – study looking at the benefits of adding HA to lifting barbed threads – like those offered by APTOS. You can read the full paper online, but the results found a notably higher long-term improvement and satisfaction with face and jaw appearance in the group treated with PLLA/PCL threads with a hyaluronic acid (HA) coat, compared to PLLA/PCL threads without HA. There were also fewer skin-related adverse effects, such as skin redness and irregular surface one-week post-treatment.


Who created APTOS threads?

APTOS threads are the brainchild of Georgian Plastic Surgeon, Dr Marlen Sulamanidze, who was one of the pioneers of non-surgical thread lifts back in 1999. The company now offers a wide range of clinically developed and proven thread lift methods. As of 2023, the Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC) awarded APTOS with the ‘Best Suspension Thread in the World’ for the 7th time running.


Who are APTOS thread lifts not suitable for

Patients who have excessively sagging skin at an advanced age will show a very limited improvement from thread lifts alone, as will patients who are obese or who have very heavy, rugged skin. However, for these people, thread lifts can be combined with liposuction to gain better overall results. For more information on your  suitability for thread lifting, visit our Tweakment page. 

What is APTOS Threads used to treat

For Patients - Find an APTOS threads clinic

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