Written by: Becki Murray

Reviewed by: Alice Hart-Davis

Last Updated: 30 November 2023

Stellar M22 is a modular workstation for delivering various skin treatments, including skin resurfacing with the ResurFX laser module. Developed by Lumenis, a global leader for medical devices for aesthetic, ophthalmic, and surgical treatments, Stellar M22 enables your practitioner to select the modules they need for their practice: ResurFX for skin resurfacing, Stellar IPL for intense pulsed light treatment for treating conditions such as acne and rosacea, Multi-Spot Nd:YAG for treating vascular lesions and leg veins, and Q-Switched Nd:YAG for treating pigmented lesions and removing dark tattoos. This customizability gives the practitioner a single tailored platform for performing the different types of skin treatment their practice offers, enabling them to treat your skin effectively without them switching between devices or you needing to move around.

Laser skin resurfacing treatments are either ablative, removing the outer layer of skin to reveal fresher skin beneath, or non-ablative, not removing the outer layer but stimulating the skin’s deeper layers to promote growth. ResurFX is a non-ablative laser technology used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, treat scars and stretch marks, and improve skin texture and tone. ResurFX treatment can make visible improvements to your skin with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Price Range

Around £350 for a single full-face or neck treatment


Smoother skin texture, improved skin tone, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, and lessening of scars and stretch marks


Non-ablative fractional laser technology stimulates underlying skin layers without removing surface skin, One Pass technology reduces treatment time, and CoolScan Scanner minimises discomfort

Lasts for

Around 24 months.

Treatment Time

15–60 minutes.

Any Anaesthesia

Yes, topical anaesthesia.


1-3 days


Why We Recommend Stellar M22 and ResurFX

Alice Hart-Davis
Founder, The Tweakments Guide

ResurFX on Stellar M22 is a brilliant laser treatment that takes only a single pass across your face to work. ResurFX is non-ablative, so it doesn’t remove the top layer of skin, meaning you need only a few days of downtime after the treatment rather than the couple of weeks that ablative lasering usually needs. What makes your recovery even faster is that the laser is fractional, treating only parts of your skin rather than the whole skin and so leaving untreated areas between the treated areas. These untreated areas help the treated areas to heal more quickly. Lumenis’ proprietary CoolScan feature helps prevent laser pulses overlapping each other, making the ResurFX treatment more comfortable for you and avoiding uneven results

About Stellar M22 and ResurFX

Why might you be interested in Stellar M22 with ResurFX?

If you have fine lines or wrinkles that you want to reduce, or if you are looking to improve your skin texture and tone, you may be interested in ResurFX treatment. ResurFX can also treat stretch marks and scars, such as acne scars.

Why is ResurFX on Stellar M22 exciting?

ResurFX can improve your skin tone and texture considerably with a swift treatment that you can fit into a busy schedule. Unlike heavier-duty skin resurfacing treatments that require significant discomfort and long downtime, ResurFX involves only modest discomfort and a few days of downtime.

Because ResurFX is one of several modules that can be fitted to the Stellar M22 platform, your practitioner can easily combine ResurFX with other treatments in the same session. For example, if you need to take care of pigmentation issues such as age spots or rosacea, your practitioner may use Stellar IPL to deliver an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment before switching to ResurFX — all on the same Stellar M22 workstation.

What types of treatment can my practitioner provide using the Stellar M22 platform?

Depending on which modules your practitioner has added to their Stellar M22 platform, they may be able to provide up to four distinct types of treatment with it:

  • ResurFX module. Skin resurfacing
  • Stellar IPL module. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment
  • Multi-Spot Nd:YAG module. Treatment of vascular lesions and leg veins
  • Q-Switched Nd:YAG module. Skin tonight for removing dark tattoos and treating pigmented lesions

How does a ResurFX treatment work?

After ensuring your skin is clean of makeup, oils, and impurities, your practitioner will typically apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment area. Once the skin is suitably numb (about 30 minutes, sometimes more), the practitioner applies gel to the treatment area; programmes the laser with the combination of pulse pattern, shape, and density that will ensure optimal effect; and then glides the treatment head across the treatment area. The treatment head delivers the laser pulses, affecting the deeper layers of skin. The CoolScan scanner works to ensure the surface skin does not receive too much energy, helping keep you comfortable.

How long do the results last?

The results of ResurFX treatment typically last around 24 months.

Is the ResurFX treatment painful?

The ResurFX treatment typically causes mild to moderate discomfort. Your practitioner will normally apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment area before the ResurFX treatments.

Where can ResurFX on Stellar M22 be used?

ResurFX is typically used for skin resurfacing on the face and neck, but it can be used on other parts of the body as well.

Who is suitable for a ResurFX procedure?

People with the following skin problems are suitable for ResurFX treatment:

  • Uneven skin tone or skin texture
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Age spots or sun damage
  • Acne scars
  • Stretch marks

How long does a ResurFX treatment take?

A ResurFX treatment usually takes between 15 minutes and an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. For example, a full-face and neck treatment might take an hour.

If you have topical anaesthetic, as is normally the case, add 30 minutes or more for it to take effect before the treatment begins.

How quickly can you see results?

You may start to see an improvement in the texture and tone of your skin during the first week after treatment, once the initial side-effects (discussed below) subside. Your skin may feel softer to the touch, and your complexion may look brighter.

Most of the improvements appear a few weeks to a few months after a ResurFX session as your skin reaps the benefits of the collagen production stimulated by the treatment. Between three to six months after the treatment, you should see optimal results, such as a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

You would normally have several ResurFX treatments at intervals of around four weeks, so the results of the treatments will overlap each other.

How much does a ResurFX treatment cost?

Prices vary, but here are examples of typical costs:

  • £80 for an upper-lip and chin treatment
  • £350 for a full-face treatment or a neck treatment (£800 for three treatments)
  • £500 for a full-face and neck treatment (£1,200 for three treatments)

Can ResurFX be combined with other tweakments?

Yes, you can combine ResurFX with other skin treatments. For example, if you have pigmented lesions that require treatment, your practitioner might use the Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser treatment head on the Stellar M22 workstation to attack the pigment before switching to the ResurFX head to perform the skin resurfacing.

Be aware that combining ResurFX treatment with other tweakments may involve extra downtime while your skin recovers.

Will I have scars from ResurFX on Stellar M22 treatment?

No. ResurFX is an external laser treatment. Because the laser used is non-ablative, it does not remove the top layer of skin from the treatment area.

Are there side-effects from ResurFX treatment?

As with other laser treatments, you may experience side-effects after ResurFX treatment.

Immediately after the treatment, your skin may feel warm or even hot, and the treatment area is likely to have redness and swelling. These side-effects will gradually subside over a few days.

If you experience other side-effects, such as blistering or signs of infection, contact your practitioner for advice.

What is the aftercare advice following ResurFX treatment?

First, follow any specific aftercare advice your practitioner gives you. In particular, apply any soothing cream your practitioner recommends to reduce swelling and discomfort.

Second, follow these general principles:

  • Apply cold packs as needed to reduce discomfort for the first several days.
  • Treat your skin gently, using gentle cleansers and moisturisers. Avoid scratching the treated area or picking at it.
  • Do not apply makeup to the treated area for one to two days.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin well hydrated.
  • Avoid excessive sweating. For example, do not perform intense workouts, go in a hot tub, or take a sauna.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun.
  • Apply sunscreen to the treatment area before going outside, even if you will not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Are there any studies on the effects of ResurFX treatment?

Yes. Various studies have shown ResurFX treatment to be safe and effective for general skin rejuvenation and for treating fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage and pigmentation, acne scars, and stretch marks.

Most of the studies are behind paywalls, but the study linked below is freely accessible:

Sequential Facial Skin Rejuvenation with Intense Pulsed Light and Non-Ablative Fractionated Laser Resurfacing in Fitzpatrick Skin Type II–IV Patients: A Prospective Multicenter Analysis.

Who created Stellar M22 and ResurFX?

Stellar M22 and ResurFX were created by Lumenis, a pioneer in the use of energy-based technologies — such as laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), and Radio Frequency (RF) treatments — for aesthetics, ophthalmology, and surgery.

Lumenis introduced the Stellar M22 platform in 2010 with the IPL and Nd:YAG modules, then added the ResurFX module in 2013 and the Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser module in 2014.

Who are skin-resurfacing treatments not suitable for?

In general, skin-resurfacing treatments are not suitable if any of the following apply to you:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Avoid resurfacing treatments while pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Skin infections or cold sores. Resolve any skin infections or wait for cold sores to pass before having laser resurfacing.
  • Dark skin tones. Laser treatment for dark skin tones carries the risk of causing either hyperpigmentation (dark patches on the skin caused by excess melanin production) or hypopigmentation (lighted patches causes by reduced melanin production). Consult a practitioner with proven experience in using ResurFX on darker skin types.
  • Recent sunburn or tanning. Let your skin return to its natural colour before having laser resurfacing treatment.
  • Avoid laser treatment if you have a medical condition or you are taking medication that makes your skin extra sensitive to light.

What is Stellar M22 and ResurFX used to treat


Phenomenal treatment, no downtime, great results, very comfortable. 2 treatments completed and i can already see a major reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, pore size, and all the sun damage is essentially gone, one more treatment to go in a month

The Stellar M22 by Lumenis has truly worked wonders on my skin. It was surprisingly painless, and I had minimal downtime. The results have been fantastic and long-lasting, leaving me absolutely delighted with my refreshed complexion.

I wanted to find a treatment that helped smooth my acne, and that’s exactly what I found. Not only has the Stellar M22 significantly improved my acne-prone skin, but my complexion looks incredible. This treatment has truly given me a newfound confidence!


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