
Written by: Becki Murray

Reviewed by: Alice Hart-Davis

Last Updated: 30 November 2023

Moxi is a non-ablative laser designed to lighten, brighten and refresh the skin’s overall appearance. It can treat light sun damage and early signs of skin ageing, refreshing the complexion and evening out skin tone with minimal downtime.

It is a fractionated laser, which means it uses laser energy to create tiny micro-injuries in the skin to stimulate the body’s wound healing response, but it’s not as aggressive as other types of laser. One of its big advantages is that it can be used to treat all skin types at any time of the year. It is recommended that you receive a series of treatments, and that you schedule Moxi treatments as part of your ongoing skin care regimen.

Price Range



Non-aggressive with minimal to no downtime


Safe for use on every skin type, all year-round

Lasts for

Best results after 3-4 treatments, and routine treatments help maintain results long-term.

Treatment Time

12-15 minutes

Any Anaesthesia



None. Just wear SPF

Before and Afters

Why We Recommend Moxi

Alice Hart-Davis
Founder, The Tweakments Guide

An ideal entry-level energy-based tweakment for light sun damage and early signs of ageing, Moxi can make a big difference to skin with very little or no downtime, which is why we love this non-ablative laser treatment. What does it do? Moxi lightens, brightens, and refreshes the skin and it works a treat for all ages and skin tones. The intensity of the treatment is less aggressive than some other lasers, but you still get a great collagen-stimulating response from the micro-injuries created in the skin. Plus, it’s manufactured by US company Sciton, which only supplies top laser practitioners.

About Moxi

What is Moxi laser treatment?

Moxi is a non-ablative fractionated laser that can be used to improve the early appearance of sun damage and signs of ageing. It is a gentle treatment which makes it ideal for regular skin maintenance in patients of any age. There’s minimal downtime and recovery, with simple post-treatment advise to stay out of the sun and wear SPF. One of the best things about it is it can be used on any skin type all year round. A series of treatments is ideal to see best results, and then maintenance treatments help keep skin looking refreshed.


How does the Moxi laser work?

Moxi is a fractionated laser which can renew and refresh the skin, improving tone and texture. It uses laser energy to create tiny wounds in the skin but, rather than damaging the entire skin surface, it leaves little gaps of undamaged skin in between, which means there is minimal downtime. This stimulates the body’s wound healing response, which kick-starts the repair process in the skin, replacing the damaged cells with new healthy ones.


Who makes the Moxi laser?

Moxi is made by Sciton, a US-based company which was created to provide advanced lasers and light sources to the aesthetic medical markets.


Is Moxi laser treatment safe?

Moxi is safe and effective for all skin types, all year round.


Is Moxi painful?

The treatment is comfortable and far less painful than other laser treatments. Depending on the level of treatment you need, you may need aesthetic numbing cream in advance of the treatment, although some patients can tolerate lower level treatments without numbing.


How much does Moxi treatment cost?

Treatment costs will always vary depending on how many treatments you need, and the area you live in, but a ballpark figure would be £400-500 for a treatment.


Does Moxi laser treatment have side effects?

Moxi is a very safe treatment that doesn’t have many risks or side effects. You may experience a little bit of redness and the feeling of having a sunburn immediately after your treatment. The skin can also feel a little bit rough afterwards for a few days. Make-up can be worn the day following a treatment.


Does Moxi have possible complications?

There are very few risks associated with Moxi, however, like any treatment which uses heat energy, it can potentially cause something called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This is very rare.






What is Moxi used to treat


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