Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Written by: Alice Hart-Davis

Updated by: Becki Murray

Medically reviewed by: Mr Charles East and Miss Lydia Badia

Last Updated: 22 September 2023

Rhinoplasty is the proper term for a nose job. In non-surgical rhinoplasty, injectable fillers are used to reshape the nose. By adding volume to certain areas, a good practitioner can straighten a hooked nose, lift a drooping nose tip, balance out a wonky bridge by disguising prominent bumps, and much more. The procedure is quick and painless – and significantly cheaper than a surgical nose job – but while the results are both immediate and impressive, they are also temporary, and some people may be unsuitable for the non-surgical approach. Scroll down for all the FAQs about non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Because this procedure uses fillers, I’d encourage you to read through the downloadable dermal fillers factsheet, which covers a number of very important safety issues, all of which apply here as well. In short, you should bear in mind that fillers are currently woefully under-regulated and this makes it incredibly important to find a good practitioner whom you can really trust.




£ 1000


15 - 40 minutes


Up to 2 years


Numbing cream


A few days

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How does non-surgical rhinoplasty work?

Dermal fillers are injectable gels made of high-density molecules that are used to add volume wherever they are injected. Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses filler to build up certain areas of the nose to create straighter lines, balance out bumps or curves on the side, or push parts of the nose in a certain direction. For example, the top half of a hooked nose will appear straighter in profile if filler is injected at the top of the bridge, and some filler to lift the tip will complete that straight line from top to bottom. If you have a curvature on one side of your nose, fillers can be used to mirror that curvature on the other side and provide symmetry.

Of course, what you’ll have most likely gathered is that non-surgical rhinoplasty can only ever add – it can’t take away. For that reason, and although non-surgical rhinoplasty can be incredibly effective, if you absolutely have your heart set on a smaller nose then fillers can’t do that for you. Equally, a really skilled practitioner can work wonders with this procedure, even if your concern is that you think your nose looks too big, so do look at some transformation pictures before writing it off.

When else might you consider non-surgical rhinoplasty?

If you have had surgical rhinoplasty but would like some adjustments, it might be worth considering the non-surgical alternative before booking in for revision surgery. In particular, this approach can help you achieve better tip definition, and balance out any remaining bumps, without having to go under the knife again.


Non surgical rhinoplasty

How long does non-surgical rhinoplasty take?

The consultation is a vital element of non-surgical rhinoplasty. A good practitioner will establish what you don’t like about your nose, what you want to change, and will advise on whether that’s something that non-surgical rhinoplasty can help you with. This should take about 20 minutes. Make sure to go in with a really good idea of what you want – while the results are temporary, they will still last for a minimum of 10 months, so you’ll want to give your practitioner as much information as possible to make sure you’re happy with the results.

The time taken for the actual procedure varies on how severe the case is and how much work needs to be done. As a preliminary, the numbing cream will need a good 10-15 minutes to take effect. After that, a simple lifting of the tip might take a mere 10 minutes, but more complicated procedures may take up to 40 minutes.

All in, it shouldn’t take more than an hour and fifteen minutes. You may well be done much sooner and it will surprise you what a difference can be made in such a short amount of time.


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How long does non-surgical rhinoplasty last?

Fillers are broken down by the body over time, so the results won’t last forever. However, since the nose is a relatively immobile area of the face, this reduces the rate at which the filler is broken down by the body, so you can expect to enjoy the results for much longer than, say, lip fillers. There are also different density fillers that can be used, which affects the duration, and I would recommend discussing the options with your practitioner during your consultation.

If you opt for a less viscous/dense filler, then the results will last about a year and you’ll start to see your nose returning to its old shape about 2 years after the procedure. However, you can also go for super-dense fillers which last up to 4 years! Most people start with the one-year filler and, if they like the results, opt for the four-year filler once the second year is up.

This is where, in my view, non-surgical rhinoplasty has the edge over surgical nose jobs. The nose makes such a difference to the perception of the face, so you want it to look right. There’s so much more choice and freedom if you’re using fillers, and if you stick with shorter-lasting fillers you can make adjustments every year until you have found the nose you love.

Where can I get non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Given the degree to which your nose can change how your face looks, it’s incredibly important to find a practitioner with the requisite skill, experience, and artistry. Head over to the practitioner finder to find some seriously good people near you who can perform this tweakments to the highest standard.

Experience with surgical rhinoplasty is a definite bonus for your practitioner too as, especially with time and experience, they will have developed an in-depth appreciation of how your nose affects your facial aesthetics.

FAQ ABOUT Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Does non-surgical rhinoplasty hurt?

When you go in for non-surgical rhinoplasty, you’ll have the option of anaesthetic numbing cream. Practitioners will use needles, cannulas, or a mixture of the two during the procedure and there is also a large degree of manual manipulation of the filler, through firm massage, once it’s been injected. The nose isn’t accustomed to that kind of attention and can become quite tender during the procedure, so the numbing cream can be a good idea just to make sure that you don’t experience any pain. If you don’t have an issue with needles then you could probably go without, but there are a couple of situations when I’d really recommend the cream. For more information download the full non-surgical rhinoplasty factsheet.

How much does non-surgical rhinoplasty cost?

This will depend on the practitioner and how much work needs to be done, but you can expect to pay upwards of £500 for non-surgical rhinoplasty treatment. Please keep in mind the safety issues surrounding dermal fillers and ensure that you avoid bargain-basement deals.

How long does it take to recover from a non-surgical rhinoplasty?

In terms of recovery from non-surgical rhinoplasty, there isn’t any required or recommended downtime after the procedure. You can expect to continue your life as normal as soon as you leave the clinic. The topical anaesthetic doesn’t make you groggy and it’s rare to experience even a blocked nose! Since non-surgical rhinoplasty involves a lot of manipulation of the nose, the only thing you have to worry about is swelling, bruising and tenderness directly after the procedure. Just treat your nose gently – you can apply a fridge-temperature cold compress if you’re experiencing discomfort – and this should subside after a few days.

Are there any side effects to a non-surgical rhinoplasty?

The most common side effects with non-surgical rhinoplasty are swelling and tenderness, which is due to the degree of manipulation that the nose goes through during the procedure. You can also expect some additional redness to your nose as the body increases blood flow to the area. There may also be some bruising, which can happen with any injection. This will all normally subside in a few days.

These are the common side effects specifically associated with non-surgical rhinoplasty, but please download my full non-surgical rhinoplasty factsheet for a complete list of side effects that can occur with all dermal fillers. It’s important to be informed and an understanding of the risks is vital going into any procedure.


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