
Written by: Vicky Eldridge

Last Updated: 14 July 2022

Belkyra is a fat-dissolving treatment for use under the chin and on the body. 

Belkyra uses synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps break down and absorb dietary fat. When it is injected into the fat below the chin, it destroys fat cells. The treatment results in a reduction in fullness and a slimmer profile underneath the chin.

Price range £750-£1,000 per session. The number of sessions needed varies, although it’s usually between 1 and 6, spaced one month apart
Benefits Once the fat cells are destroyed, they can no longer accumulate or store fat, so further treatment shouldn’t be necessary
Lasts for Treated fat cells will be gone forever, but remaining cells could could bigger if weight is gained
Treatment time 5-10 minutes
Any anaesthesia Local anaesthetic can be applied
Downtime Swelling will occur. There may also be bruising, pain, numbness and redness afterwards
FDA Approved? The US version of the product, Kybella, is FDA-approved

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