
Beta Hydroxy Acid

Written by: Peter Jovanovic

Last Updated: 16 September 2020

Beta hydroxy acid/salicylic acid is a fantastic ingredient for treating acne as it not only helps to clear blocked pores but also reduces inflammation. It works in a similar way to alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), refreshing the skin by giving it a chemical exfoliation. It does this by dissolving the bonds that keep old, dead skin cells onto the skin’s surface. The main difference is that BHA is oil-soluble, so it can also dissolve its way into blocked, oily pores while most AHAs are water-soluble, so they just give a surface exfoliation of the skin.





Acne is one of the most common skin complaints out there, and one we’ve pretty much all had to deal with at one time or another. ...

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Large Pores

Ideally, we would all like to have skin that’s smooth, firm, pliable, and nicely hydrated, with small, nearly-invisible pores. But some...

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When there is a little bit of redness across your nose and cheeks — maybe not always, but more often than not — how do you know whether...

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I have a little line of large pores that have appeared on my chin. How do I get rid if them? Thank you.

We can't get rid of our pores – what you're seeing is oxidised oil that's collecting in the pores. To get the pores a bit clearer, products with salicylic acid will help, because this exfoliating acid can dissolve its way through oil, so it can clear pores out from the inside. You can use a cleanser with salicylic, though what I find most helpful is using a product with 2% salicylic acid to wipe over the area regularly (every two days to start with, and if your skin is fine with that, then every day), to help decongest the pores. For a faster, more drastic result, find a clinic that can offer a facial peel with 30% salicylic acid – I had...

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There's always a chance you'll be charged import taxes but we can't say for certain either way. Please email us at with details of what you'd like to order and your address, and we will give you a shipping quote which will include any extra costs/ taxes we are informed about.

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