
Face Oil

Written by: Peter Jovanovic

Last Updated: 16 September 2020

Facial oils are not for everyone because the idea of applying oil to the face seems counterintuitive but they can actually feel really nice and do have some benefits. One of the things people like about facial oils is that they usually smell and feel really nice. There’s a luxurious, indulgent and pampering element to a facial oil too. And more than that, they are now packed with lots of natural and nourishing ingredients to feed your skin. Oil isn’t a no-go for skin as some people think. Our skin already makes oil and it plays an important role in keeping our canvas hydrated and protected. We usually think about sebum in a negative way because of its relationship to acne but sebum and other oils in the skin help to prevent water loss by creating a seal/protective layer. This is because oils are hydrophobic, which means that they keep water in by repelling the water molecules rather than attracting them.

face oil


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