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Tweak of the Week: Pigment busting with Sciton lasers, with Dr Maryam Zamani

By Alice Hart-Davis
6th September 2021

How can you clear patchy pigmentation, reduce redness in your skin and soften wrinkles – all in one treatment session? To find out, I went to visit Dr Maryam Zamani at her new clinic on the Kings Road in London, and watch her demonstrate a treatment using the latest laser and broadband light technology from Sciton Lasers.

Excess pigmentation in the skin creeps up on us over time. It’s the result of our skin being exposed to ultraviolet light, and it shows up in the form of age spots and an uneven skin tone which, together with thread veins, make the skin look weathered.

Dr Zamani uses the BBL Hero – a broadband light treatment — followed by the Halo fractional laser, to break up excess pigmentation in the skin, remove thread veins and stimulate the creation of collagen in the skin.

Before treatment, Visia images were taken of the patient’s face, to show the extent of redness, wrinkling and sun damage in her skin before treatment. The Visia imaging was repeated four weeks later.

The results – as you can see in the before and after pictures on the video – are amazing. And that’s from just one treatment session.

Prices: starting at around £1,000

Downtime: five days

This post is sponsored by Sciton Lasers.

For more information about Sciton Lasers, click here.


BBL Hero and Halo with Dr Maryam Zamani

Alice Hart-Davis: This week’s tweak of the week is using lasers and I’ve come to Chelsea to meet Dr Maryam Zamani and watch her do some treatments with Sciton lasers. One is going to be a laser treatment called Halo, that’s a fractural treatment, the other is a broadband light treatment (BBL). So it’s not laser, it’s more like IPL but stronger than IPL. She’s going to explain all of this to us and what they’re good for. Principally, reducing pigmention, and skin rejuvenation but I’ll get all the detail from Dr Zamani, so come along and we’ll see how it goes.

AHD: Vicky what has made you step up for this treatment?

Vicky: So, improved pigmentation and tone of skin I believe.

AHD: Fantastic, because that’s what this laser is particularly good at doing and have they told you much else about it, like what to expect?

V: Apparently I’m going to look radiant afterwards!

AHD: Yes you will, okay we’ve got to get some numbing cream on you and we’ll follow you in here.

V: Okay perfect!

AHD: We’re doing these images of Vicky’s skin with a Visia imaging system to show what is going on with the skin in terms of pigmentation, redness, and brown spots, and then afterwards you will be able to see what changes the treatment has made.

Dr Maryam Zamani: So I am using a very strong 23% lidocaine gel to help make this as pain free as possible, but you could use LMX 4% again for about 20-30 minutes depending on what type of topical you are using.

AHD: Dr Zamani tell me a bit about the Sciton laser you’ve got because it has a couple of different treatments on it that you’re going to do, hasn’t it?

BBL with Dr Maryam Zamani

Dr Z: It does, it’s a platform machine and I’m really excited to have it. It has something called broadband light, as well as a laser adapter so there are different laser handpieces that I am really excited to use in combination with the BBL.

AHD: Okay so what is broadband light?

Dr Z:  BBL is basically like a souped-up version of IPL, it’s different wavelengths of light through the use of different filters which can be changed on the machine to really target different skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation, telangiectasias [thread veins], there are lots of different applications. Then you have the HALO which is a laser head. It has a 1470 as well as a 2940 laser head combined together to create an ablative and fractional laser.

AHD: Wow, this is good for anybody with these pigment issues.

Dr Z:  Exactly. Anywhere from pigmentation so you know solar keratosis, little freckles here and there, larger sunspots, you can also use it for facial telangiectasias, rosacea patients who have very fine telangiectasias on the skin, on the nose. It just helps with acne as well, the redness that can be associated with acne. So a lot of different applications for the BBL.

AHD: Okay, and why do you do the two treatments together in combination? That’s quite unusual isn’t it?

Dr Z:  It is, sometimes we do lasers in combination with an IPL treatment for instance. I do that quite a bit in my own practice but what I love about this is it works really well together. You’re clearing the skin essentially with the BBL and then you’re actually creating micro-columns of injury with the Halo machine that improves the skin texture, the quality, and really gives you that luminous radiant glowing skin once the downtime is over.

Dr Z:  So, you’re going to feel this now, 1, 2, 3.

BBL with Dr Maryam Zamani

Dr Z: Because it’s different, it’s slightly different to IPL. You are not staying in one spot, it’s like a scanning situation. That’s what’s so cool about this, you don’t have to change an entire handpiece, you have these filters here which you can just change around.

AHD: So a different filter for the second pass?

Dr Z:  Different filter for the second pass.

Dr Z:  Well that works so beautifully. This is amazing

AHD: Amazing so you can see the thread vein vanishing as you treat?

Dr Z:  Yep.

AHD: Why does it measure the face before you start?

Dr Z: To tell you how much energy you need to deliver to each patient because there are different sizes of faces.

AHD: For sure, that’s so clever.

Screenshot 2021 09 06 At 10.47.13 E1630922605551

Dr Z:  You look a little bit tan. So I’ve just put a barrier cream on and I have also put SPF50, very important for you to have reapplication of both of these products every day multiple times a day.

AHD: You could see Vicky was quite red at the end of that treatment, the recovery was relatively quick, so Vicky will be looking fine in a couple of days and speckling will come through as the skin recovers and that will heal up within a week, and we’re going to wait until we have the after-pictures to show you what the full result is like.

BBL with Dr Maryam Zamani before and after

AHD: Okay, so here are the results. You can see just how much the treatment has cleared superficial pigment from Vicky’s skin and improved the evenness of her skin tone. They show various aspects of her face before and after the treatment, there’s a few more to come after this. What Visia does is, it rates images by comparing the results to its database of results of people in the same age bracket. So here what you’re seeing is before treatment, Vicky rated a low 10% in terms of pigmentation i.e. 90% of people had fewer superficial pigmentation marks than her, so that’s not a great result. After, her score has shot up to 75% meaning that her pigmentation marks have reduced so much that only 25% of women in her age bracket have less obvious pigmentation.

Sciton Lasers Before and After with Dr Maryam Zamani

AHD: Here, Vicky’s first measurement for wrinkles, which is 60%, showed that her wrinkles appear to be better than 60% of other people her age. After treatment, her score rose to 86%, meaning that now she has fewer visible wrinkles and her wrinkles look better than 86% of other women her age.

These pictures look at the extent of porphyrins, which are bacterial excursions that can get stuck in pores and lead to acne. This is looking at the porphyrins on Vicky’s skin, before treatment you can see that she has a very low rating of 10% i.e. she doesn’t score very well because there’s an awful lot of porphyrins on her face but after treatment, those have been cleared right away and she rates at 96% i.e. her porphyrins count was so greatly reduced that she rated better than 96% of women her age.

Treatment has improved Vicky’s Visia rating of brown spots within the skin, the ones that are caused by UV exposure. From a low 10%, not a good score, to a much improved 36%. So that translates in visible terms with less brown pigmentation and a more even skin tone. You can see the change in her face, can’t you?

Vicky’s pores rated an average 56% before treatment and you can see after treatment the pores are much less obvious so they’ve been reduced by the treatment which has strengthened the collagen so the pores aren’t so easy to see. So Vicky’s rating after treatment is 88% and that’s a huge improvement in the visibility of her pores. So when you put all these changes together that’s what adds up to that picture, there’s a huge change in her skin and it’s been brought about by this one treatment session.

That was this week’s tweak of the week, thank you very much for watching.

Click here for more information about Sciton Lasers.

This post is sponsored by Sciton Lasers.


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